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Antifungal Treatment

Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment 3.8ml

Product Description

Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment has been specially designed to treat fungal nail infections and protecting from reoccurrences. ​

The patented file dispenser houses 5 disposable files which remove surface of the infected nail plate, reducing thickness, improving appearance and aiding penetration of treatment.​

The treatment liquid softens the nail, creates an inhospitable environment  in which the fungus cannot grow, and creates a barrier to reduce the spread of infection.​

Apply the advanced liquid to the infected nail once a week until the area of discolouration has grown out. The formula will continue to work between applications and continue to create an environment where fungi cannot survive.​

Contains: 1 Applicator with 3.8 mL Liquid & 5 Disposable Files

  • Convenient, discreet, all-in-one product​

  • Effectively treats mild fungal nail infections​

  • Visible results in two weeks, and at the end of the treatment phase the area of discolouration will visibly reduce.​

  • Kills 99.9% of nail fungus​

  • Easy to apply​

  • Unique one way file dispense mechanism contains disposable files to help prevent spread of infection.

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Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment is a uniquely designed system, for the treatment of fungal nail.

The combination of filing and specially formulated ingredients allows for faster penetration at the source of infection.

A clinically tested solution that helps to prevent the spread of the fungus & protects from further damage and infection.

Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment Nail Fungus is a uniquely designed system for the treatment of fungal nail.<

How does Fungal Nail Treatment work?

Phase 1: Treatment Phase (4 weeks)

  • Week 1 - File the nail surface once a week to remove the top layers of the nail and reduce the amount of fungi on the nail
  • Dispose of the file after use
  • Apply the advanced liquid to the infected nail daily to create an environment on the nail where fungi cannot survive and prevent further infection of adjacent nails
  • Repeat for weeks 2, 3 & 4

Phase 2: Protection Phase (Until replaced with healthy looking nail) To help prevent spreading and help protect from recurrence, apply the advanced liquid to the infected nail once a week until the area of discolouration has grown out. The formula will continue to work between applications and continue to create an environment where fungi cannot survive

Contains: 1 Applicator with 3.8 mL Liquid & 5 Disposable Files. Glycerol, propan-2-, Citric acid.

An easy to use, two-step system, helping prevent recurrence
Scholl Fungal Nail Treatment is uniquely designed system for the treatment of fungal nail. The easy to use liquid has been specially formulated to penetrate into the nail to treat the fungal infection at its source* (*based on in vitro data).
Convenient, all in one product
Treats mild fungal nail infections
Prevents infection
Works to help prevent the spread of infection
Easy to apply
Easy to use, two-step system